
No I am not downloading a ringtone of some lousy remix number or any vulgar wallpaper. This is my support to the petition that NDTV will present to the President for re-opening Jessica Lal’s case. Seems like effortless but for some reason I got a strange satisfaction when I received an acknowledgement from NDTV thanking me for supporting the cause.
I know I am not forwarding any kind of support. My SMS is immaterial for anyone. But at the last count NDTV received 160,000 SMSs supporting the cause. I think we’ve reached a stage where the people of India are ‘atleast’ ready to say ‘Enough is Enough’. ‘Atleast’ there’s a shift from ‘What am I supposed to do?’ or ‘Things will remain as they are, we cannot change all this’.
Sabrina Lal (Jessica’s sister) had stated that she does not have the patience of running from pillar to post for another seven years. Seven Years!! Some might say that there are other trials that must’ve lasted longer. Others might say that Jessica was a celebrity and that’s reason enough for such a hype around this case. But then hasn’t it been like this always.
What’s the harm in making this an opportunity for questioning a system, which we all know has rotten beyond repair. Witnesses turn hostile, there’s no such thing as perjury. Evidence is tampered, there’s no such thing as responsibility. Hearings are biased, there’s no such thing as fair trial. Is the Judicial system a mockery of the Indian Democracy? Or have we impaired the Judicial System with our disinterest, lack or participation, and ‘cowardice’?
Well said.....and Justice for All...
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